1. Bow to the flag and the instructor when entering and leaving the dojang.

2. Do not enter class late or leave early without permission.

3. Loud conversation, laughing, chewing gum, wearing of watches or jewelry have no place in training.

4. Wear a clean uniform and trim fingernails, clean hands and feet are important.

5. Do not engage in activities that might degrade the code of ethics or the reputation of the center.

6. Assume the position of attention when speaking to the instructor. Also use words of consideration such as Yes Ma'am, No Sir etc.

7. Be courteous and respectful to all fellow students. Do not teach other students unless asked to by your instructor.

8. Do not teach Tae Kwon Do, hold a demonstration, or enter a tournament or competition without instructor approval.

9. Any substitute instructor shall be treated as the Master Instructor.

Failure to abide by the above rules may result in loss of rank, suspension from the school or both. Understand, these rules will be enforced.