Sunday, October 27, 2013

KKC can make a difference.

I have two great opportunities for Kroells Karate Clubs to do something for our communities
Idea one needs to be finished Saturday~ I thought as a Club we could see how many Operation Christmas Child boxes were could do, I have 10 boxes if you have a shoebox you may use your own. Wrap the outside of your box and lid to make it pretty, but do not wrap the box closed, they need to be checked! I will bring boxes if you want one, and list of Ideas for stuffing them, I know some of the kids love to make those bracelets, we could put one in every box... What do you think! If you want to do one pick up Monday or later, turn in Saturday and we will take a group photo.
Idea #2 LADIES :) Remember the family that I told you about, with seven kids, and Father was seriously hurt in a construction accident, (5" nail into his heart) Their kids were former KKC students, a fundraiser is being done with the Craft/Bake sale on Nov 9th. I thought we could help out with the bake sale, say if 7 of us did 3 dozen cookies, we would have provided 21 doz items for the bake sale~ I thought we could meet for lunch next friday about 1 pm and load it into my car and have a fun filled lunch together too... Ideas of where you want to go to lunch and let me know who plans to bake. You may make what ever you want! Cookies, Bars, Bread, Pies, Candy... crafts also can be donated.
These would both be great ways for KKC to make a difference. Anyone can help, Students, Moms, Dads!