
Showing posts from 2015

Saturdays class is at Jackson Ele.

CHRISTMAS PARTY in 2nd hour Fun and Games Bring a treat to share. I will bring plates, napkins, and beverage. BLACK BELT CERTIFICATES WILL BE HANDED OUT

Testing Group December 14th, 2015


Sport Bags are in.

Christmas Party at Jackson Elementary Saturday morning

feel free to bring a treat for sharing, finger type foods please. Normal class at 9:30 and party fun at 10:30

Test Monday

Wear proper uniform Parent for paperwork Class at 6:30 Good Attitude Hard work 100% Effort Know required Questions Make good use of corrections

A Heads Up~ I do NOT have a private lesson tonight.

So I will be going to class at the normal time, not an hour early.

Great Group Of Students

Awesome Job filling up our Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Owatonna Crew



Best of luck to all of our students going to the tournament tomorrow, I am sure you will all have a great time. We will enjoy seeing how everyone is doing as the post on FB start rolling in~ I am proud of all of you.

Very Sorry, I took a couple of pictures before class, and then forgot a group shot~


Halloween Fun

We will take the last fifteen minutes to play some fun games tomorrow at the end of first hour. Kids may wear kick friendly costumes, please keep it Kid friendly, Kick friendly, and DoJang friendly, (or come to class as normal) Haha. Student may bring treats, I will bring a small treat bag for each kid to put treats into. We may have 60 people or so in a Saturday Class. We will also be ending the Break A Thon! Pictures will be taken.

Mini Break~A~Thon 2015

We Did It Break~A~Thon Totals  Waconia~$300.00 Arlington~$145.00 Shakopee~$430.00 Jordan $126.00 Total so far $1001.00 KKC BREAK~A~THON mini Break '15 Students have expressed an interest in practicing breaking skills and it just so happens we have a great cause, we will be raising money for Brody Lenz who is a young miracle boy who survived SIDS. His brain injury has left him with Cerebral Palsy, Brody is in a wheelchair, and the family is in need of a Convertible Van so he and his Wheelchair can be wheeled in without removing him from the chair. Lets help this family out. Boards will be at each location this week, if anyone knows of a lumberyard who can donate some boards we use a 1 X 12 pine cut 4", 6", or 8" samples can be given to assure the proper cut. Donated Boards should be dropped off at Ms K's home, I will bring some to each location. We will Charge $5 a board, students may break as many as they want. Of course a larger donation will be except...

Christmas Ideas

KKC Sport Bags pre order now~ $69.00 includes name and logo KKC Full Color Dragon on Uniform 95.00 includes new uniform Foam head gear 37.99 Red or White Foam Boot Red or White 32.99 Foam Hand Red or White 32.99

Arlington class list is looking great, still a few regulars who have not been added to next weeks class, Belle Plaine student this is the best choice being your class ends the next day! Arlington Com Education number is 507-237-3322 they can take your registration over the phone, and I will also bring some registration forms with me to class this week!

Short Higher Rank meeting Saturday~ Classes have been going great! Keep up the great work. So many of our younger students have been an inspiration, their dedication to learning and enthusiasm is contagious. Also want to shout out to the Black belts that make this happen, many of them give up so many hours a week to help in class and to continue with their own training often times missing family dinner time or evening TV shows (what is that) haha. ~Keep on Kickin

One of the things I had planned to discuss at the postponed Black Belt Meeting

~New Black Belt policy, Black Belts who take long amounts of time away from the class and need to be reschooled will need to get on a class list for the amount of time taken off. This will help you to get re aquainted with the techniques and help you to regain what was lost in your absence. This will also go for injuries or Black belts who may need the extra help in keeping up with your technique. ~Ms Kroells

Waconia's second hour has three on the list

Thank you: Kai Rose Patricia Aiden Advanced students please get on the list!

No Black Belt meeting Oct 10th :(

I have a funeral and will need to leave after class.

Second hour happening soon in the Jordan location

We have a couple classes left in belle Plaine, that class ends Oct 28th, after the close of that Class we will start the second hour in the Jordan location. Jordan starts over Next week! If you are a Norwood or belle plane student you can get on that list or Waconia or Shakopee. Jordan Com Ed- 952-492-6211 Waconia Com Ed- 952-442-0610 Shakopee Com Ed 952-496-5029

Shakopee just notified me that only 2 people are on each list for the new session.

So the following is a list of ending dates for the current sessions. Shakopee ends Oct 3rd Waconia ends Oct 5th Jordan ends Oct 7th Arlington ends Oct 20th Belle Plaine ends Oct 28th

These three Students are eligible for a private Test Saturday

Come to class this week to finish your corrections. Clair Elling Aiden Kincead Alex Sellner

Tonights Testing Group Did A Great Job, I Am Proud Of Each And Everyone Of You.


Test In The Waconia Location Second Hour

Belle Plaine will be a GO for this six week session.

Arlington Class Starts tonight see you there.

Arlington people some of you are not on the new class list that starts back tomorrow~

Supreme Grandmaster Ro, Founder of Song Moo Kwan and Father of Modern Tae Kwon Do. Tens of millions of people have had their lives enriched by your gift of Tae Kwon Do. You will be missed.


Grand Master Byung Jick Ro

passed away last night, please pray for the family in this time. He was an amazing man, and the founder of Song Moo Kwan, a leader in what we all love and have made our life journey. No words can express the sorrow for such a pillar of the Martial Arts World.

No Class In Norwood! Norwood Students please get on another list

Next week Arlington starts, If you are an Arlington Student make sure to be on the list. Belle plaine students should be on the Waconia list (Aug-Oct 5th) for this session, your new class starts the end of this month. *Because your last class in waconia ended mid Aug making it almost a six week span. You can help support our classes by getting on the list before the classes start! Black belts who do not stay active or do not make 3-4 classes a week (average) should also be on the class list of your choice. *Of course this does not include students, injury,  or vacations...

Jordan Class Starts tonight~

                                                        No Class Monday Labor Day

Day Camp Fun

Great Bunch of fun hard working students~


Day camp Information Starts at 9:30 Wear full uniform or Uniform pant TKD T shirt Bring a Water Bottle Bring a Towel Bring sparring gear if you have any Bring Nunchaku if you have any Be on time Lunch served @ 12:30 Pizza, cookies, gateraide or water

Rootbeer Floats in Jordan tonight


Anyone can train when the conditions are right, but it takes a Martial Artist to train on a night like tonight! Students could literally wring out their uniforms after tonights class! great work everyone.

Don't forget Rootbeer floats in Jordans class this week!

Demo Team Meeting and Movie night


Demo Team/Competition Team Meeting at Ms Kroells home Saturday

details and address in class

Remember to get on the list for tonights class in Waconia~

If you are a Waconia or Arlington student who plans to continue with summer classes! Special Thanks to: *Sydnie and Aaron C. *Finley S. *Stacy B. from the Arlington for getting on the Waconia Class list before tonights class!

Last Class In Arlington Tonight

                Come enjoy Rootbeer Floats and fellowship after class!

happy 4th of July


No Class Saturday the 4th Of July~

              Have a safe day!

Awesome Test!

                               Hope your ready to climb the next step!

Test tomorrow in the Waconia location

KKC is proud to announce Kailan Wayne Gullings


Please get on the list for summer classes.

This is something we say over and over~ But still we have many advanced students not on our list and much time and effort from both Community Ed as well as KKC goes into getting students on a list! And with classes small we need your numbers on the list.

No Class Memorial Day, read up on the American Flag testing info~ maybe read the lyrics to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" amazing song of our beautiful country!


Bring medals and Trophies to tomorrows class for a picture

Awesome job at todays tournament

KKC is very proud of each and every one of you!

Best of luck to our students who are going to the tournament tomorrow~ I am sure you will all shine like the stars that you are! Listen to the wisdom of Ms Tessa and Ms Rissa and Mr Blake

Outdoor treats with these guys on Saturday~


Our Amazing Group of Black Belts

What a Super Amazing Group of Black Belts, KKC is very proud of you.


Black Belt Test Tomorrow at the Shakopee class second hour, great group of Black Belts will be testing, this would be a great opportunity to see what is expected at a Black belt test, as well as a great way to show your respect for this amazing group of Black Belts! Come and Watch.

Belle Plaine WILL have class for the next six weeks! Please get on the list if you plan to go

Thanks to my students, who make amazing things like this possible.

                                       Does this make me a action figure?


They have been found! Thanks All.

Special Thanks to all the students for a baby gift for Ms Tessa

You are all awesome~ The gift will be put to great use! And Tessa was totally surprised.

Today March 3rd, Arlington has closed the school, NO TKD tonight, have a safe family evening at home.

Norwood Class is done for the summer~

Testing groups Feb 21st, 2015

You all did a awesome job testing today! I look forward to teaching your new levels.                        Twenty students tested to Gold Stripe.

Test This Saturday Feb 21st

Keep up the great work, class tomorrow in Norwood for those who need some last minute clean up.

Norwood Class Canceled! School is closed.

Sorry about the late notice, I was babysitting my sick Grandson and thought we had class! No Class in Jordan or Belle Plaine tonight.