
Showing posts from August, 2017

Shakopee Class people are you on the new list? We move back to the Sweeny School this Saturday :)

MONDAY is a Holiday, No Class

Have a good family day!

Great Fun Today at Daycamp, you all did a great job!

Our event shirt this year, saying came from a post on Stacy Brossard's wall, graffic created by Mr Scott, and printed by Lakeside Embroidery. We put a lot of thought into what we want our shirts to say, hope you enjoy them.                                                                    The crew LOL                                                                       Four Square                                                       Old School Self defense 1-12           ...

Shakopee Class

Hello Karate families! Just want to make sure you are aware that currently the intersection of Marystown Road and 17 th  Avenue is closed due to road  construction. I understand it will still be closed on Saturday. In order to get to Jackson Elementary, you will need to take 17 th  Avenue from the east.  If you are taking Hwy 169, exit on Marschall Rd. take Marschall south and turn west onto 17 th  avenue. You will be able to access Jackson off of 17 th  Avenue.