
Showing posts from July, 2019

Black Belt Party Fun! Remember Last years day camp motto? If It was easy, anyone could do it? Well you did it! and it is NOT easy. I am very proud of each and every one of you. Our club will be blessed with the addition such a dedicated group of Black belts.


Black Belt Party Monday Night second hour, come and congratulate our 9 Black Belts! Fun and Games and Cake!

Congrats To Our Black Belts. You are did an amazing job today! I knew you would, but it was still such a pleasure to watch you all perform. Congrats to you all!

Red/Black belts wear any comfortable clothes for first hour, unless you have another uniform for testing, it's going to be a wet one! Black belts walk through your material before class, you will get the review in class.

Black Belt testing tomorrow, it has been my pleasure to watch this group of amazing athletes learn and grow. I always remind my students, getting invited to a test is the hard part, that means you have already earned the rank in my eyes, the actual test is more of a performance for your loved ones. I am greatly looking forward to watching you all perform. ~Love Ms K

45 Minute Pre Test Workout for testing group tonight before Arlington's Class 5:45

RED/BLACK Belt testing group this week...

By this time we should have ordered and paid for new uniforms Ordered and paid for customized belts Written and turned in Black belt papers (turn in Mon-Wed) Fill out and turned in Black Belt Examination Form, (turn in testing fee Mon-Sat) Made sure your break is well planned (five way break with a 30 second set-up, 30 second break) You should be taking good care of your health Stay Hydrated Eat GOOD foods Get plenty of sleep Practice all questions Get to as many classes as you can Make sure Uniform is in tip top shape

No Class in Shakopee July 6th, Testing group, I thought about getting together, but the weather has been so steamy and wet! I feel that with half the group gone, and half the group recovering from injury, we can all use this day as a rest, and quiet work day, walk through your forms and steps and look into the corrections we worked on in class. Take a good look and self correct. I feel that this will be a better solution to the no class day. Happy 4th of July to all my firecracker students.