Congratulations Tournament Group!
What an awesome day! Congratulations to all KKC students who participated! Everyone did an awesome job, and had great attitudes. Here is the results! FORM: 1st Place Winners: Mr Jacob, Terrry L, Jayden L, Logan H, Olivia H 2nd Place Winners: Ms Stacy, Rachel R, Joey S, Danielle P 3rd Place Winners: Ethan L, Emily E, Sophia G, Ethan B *Special Congrats to: GRAND CHAMPION in Black Belt Form: Mr Jacob GRAND CHAMPION in Advanced Color Belt Form: Jayden L BREAKING 1st Place Winners: Ms Stacy, Mr Jacob, Ethan B 2nd Place Winners: Rachel R, Joey S, Logan H, Sophia G 3rd Place Winners: Ms Emily SPARRING Jayden L: 2nd Logan H: 1st STICK SPARRING 1st Place: Jayden L, Joey S, Ethan B 2nd Place: Terry L, Emily E, Logan H, Olivia H, Danielle P TEAM FORM Ms Stacy & Mr Jacob: 3rd The Low Family: 2nd Logan H & Olivia H: 2nd MUSICAL FORM Mr. Jacob 1st Ms. Emily 2nd *Special Congrats to Mr Jacob GRAND CHAMPION in Musical/Team/Weapon Form